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Full Moon in Aries

Full Moon Aries 23° October 15, 6pm PST | The Warrior's Moon

The Moon is our mothers, the ones who give to us unconditionally. We receive from her, her feelings. The sun is at 23° degrees Libra, where the fixed star Spica sits. It is in the ear of corn being held by the Virgo constellation. You have been cultivating and prepping, cutting and pasting. Harvest time has come, what will you be able to give?

The Sun, Yang, masculine fire in masculine Libra (but really, Libra is metro) is ready and willing to offer up their opinion about you. Libra's grace and tact of course creates a cushion for judgement for Libra is able to see both sides to the coin and justice rules all. Libra encompasses the beginning of the death and dying process. The leaves are changing , the flowers are wilting and process in which our beloved Sun leaves us to illuminate the underworld.

The Moon, Yin and feminine receiver is in Aries, a masculine fire sign. Duality is a major theme for this full moon in Aries as the sacred feminine is in one of the most masculine signs of the zodiac. The precious balancing act between the two coexists here. This theme will be in every aspect of our lives. As women we must ask, what can we give to our masculine counterparts and how can we receive masculine energy in a healthy and balanced way. It's pretty obvious that there is a growing divide between the masculine and feminine constructs in our country and now is the time to explore new avenues for sexual equality.

So, what are you able to give of yourself to your fellow community? If we have been doing the hard work that summer offers us we should have cultivated a strong and solid foundation within us that we can readily give. Have you gained more knowledge on how to be a supportive friend? Did you fall into some cash recently? Have you perfected a skill or trade?

Now is the time to focus on the external world around us especially for women. Every year the Full moon in Aries | The Warrior's Moon marks the official time when the women get to come out and play after the hard working Sun has been toiling outside growing crops. The crops have been sewn and now it's time for the magic of the feminine touch to create something beautiful and delicious. Setting up parties, gatherings, showing off, dressing up, put on the female bravado! Now is the time of Mom, we gather around her kitchen for Thanksgiving and Christmas to receive her warm meals and tasty treats.

On another note, it may be a frustrating and annoying time for the masculine folk as having a very internal and emotional planet in a warrior adventurous one feels unnatural. Be kind and gentle to these individuals as it's very difficult for some to express their emotional side. It may come out abrupt or in a childlike tantrum.

Awaken the Kundalini and explore the sacred feminine in the most fun and adventurous way to welcome the oncoming New Moon in Scorpio!


Full Moon Mantras

I accept responsibility for my family and community

I am a Warrior

I am able and willing to give this ______ of myself at this time

I see the Warrior spirit for what it is and accept its expression

My passion is beautiful

Thank you Father Sun for all you have given during the summer months


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